Posts Tagged ‘academia’

Stephen Barr on Quantum Physics, Religion, & the God Particle (Encore Presentation)

The following is an encore presentation of one of Tony’s favorite episodes recorded back in the fall of 2012. We will return shortly with fresh episodes.

Does quantum physics make it easier to believe in God? And what is the deal with that “God particle” that physicists just discovered? Did we really discover God and the origins of the universe? These questions, and many more, are answered by a real-honest-to-goodness physicist Dr. Stephen M. Barr (University of Delaware). Our discussion is both fun and informative as Prof. Barr explains, in terms a layman can undestand, what quantum physics is and how it relates to faith. While Prof. Barr argues that quantum mechanics does not make it necessarily easier to believe in God, it does make it harder to subscribe to a philosophy known as “materialism,” which often underpins a number of arguments for atheism. We also reflect on what it is like being a religious believer in the secular academic world.

Stephen Barr on Quantum Physics, Religion, & the God Particle.

Does quantum physics make it easier to believe in God? And what is the deal with that “God particle” that physicists just discovered? Did we really discover God and the origins of the universe? These questions, and many more, are answered by a real-honest-to-goodness physicist Dr. Stephen M. Barr (University of Delaware). Our discussion is both fun and informative as Prof. Barr explains, in terms a layman can undestand, what quantum physics is and how it relates to faith. While Prof. Barr argues that quantum mechanics does not make it necessarily easier to believe in God, it does make it harder to subscribe to a philosophy known as “materialism,” which often underpins a number of arguments for atheism. We also reflect on what it is like being a religious believer in the secular academic world.

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Timothy Dalrymple on Religion, Sports, and Jeremy Lin

What role does faith play in the realm of elite athletics? Dr. Timothy Dalrymple shares his life story as a championship-caliber gymnast (winning a national title at age 15 and the NCAA with Stanford University in 1995) and also talks about his new book on Jeremy Lin, the underdog basketball phenomenon who took America by storm in 2012. Tim discusses the highs and lows of being a dedicated competitor and how his faith helped him through this journey. He also reveals what happened to him spiritually when he broke his neck in a gymnastic accident just before the 1996 Olympic tryouts. We use this discussion to help us understand the fascinating emergence of Jeremy Lin, who led the New York Knicks on an incredible seven game winning streak in February 2012 despite coming off the bench. We talk about the role that religion plays in Jeremy’s life and compare and contrast the media reaction to him with that being given to Tim Tebow (former Bronco quarterback now playing the NY Jets). We finish with some thoughts on what Christians in sports have to say about the state of American Christianity in general.

To download, right click on the link above and choose “save target as…” or subscribe for free on iTunes. Sign up for our Facebook fan page for updates about forthcoming interviews.

Kimberly Conger on Being Christian in Secular Academia

What is it like to be a practicing Christian in the world of secular academia? While many Christian professors teach at religiosly-based universities where public profession of faith is either encouraged or expected, Christian academics working in state colleges and universities operate under a different set of constraints. Kimberly Conger of Colorado State University shares her thoughts with Tony based upon a set of panels at the most recent Christians in Political Science conference at Gordon College. We discuss whether or not there exists strong biases against Christian professors, how one deals with students both in the classroom and during office hours, and how one’s faith affects research.

To download, right click on the download link and select “Save Target As…” or subscribe to us on iTunes. And if you know a student or professor who might be interested in this topic, please spread the word with our social media links below.

Jeff Levin on Religion & Health

Epidemiologist Jeff Levin of Baylor University, reviews findings from the study of religion & health. Levin recounts how scholars were initially skeptical of the links between religious belief & practice and general health outcomes, and how this field has developed over the past three decades. Are religious adherents more healthy than the population at large? Does spirituality have an impact on the ability to heal? And are donuts “calorie free” if you buy them at church? Find out what Prof. Levin thinks! (To download, right click on the button to the right and choose “save target as….”)

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