Category: Germany

Jeremy Lott on Episcopalians, Ex-Atheists, Health Care, and German Circumcision

Research on Religion checks in with journalist/blogger extraordinaire Jeremy Lott to discuss a couple big stories in the world of religion. We examine what happened at the recent Episcopal Church General Convention and speculate as to why Episcopalians and other mainline churches are losing members. Then we turn our attention to other recent news events including the conversion of former atheists, and religious liberty issues concerning the US health care mandate and circumcision in Germany.

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James Felak on Pope Pius XII, the Wartime Pontiff

In March of 1939, Eugenio MarĂ­a Giuseppe Pacelli became Pope Pius XII just days before the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia and months before Germany continued their march into Poland. Prof. James Felak (University of Washington) examines the life and times of Pope Pius XII and explores the controversy surrounding his papacy. Interestingly, we learn that criticism of Pope Pius XII’s actions only emerged two decades after World War II. Prof. Felak discusses the difficult diplomatic and moral situation that Pius XII found himself in during the war, lays out the logic of his actions, and then assesses the overall impact (including his post-war proclamations) of Pius XII’s papacy on the contemporary Church Church.

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Andrew Hoffecker on Charles Hodge and Princeton Theological Seminary

To help celebrate Princeton Theological Seminary’s bicentennial, Prof. Andrew Hoffecker (Reformed Theological Seminary) joins us to talk about the life and times of Charles Hodge , a major figure in Presbyterian thought who helped influence the American evangelicalism. We trace his life from early childhood through his formative experience in Berlin and then discuss how Hodge viewed various controversies that beset the Presbyterian Church and the American nation in the first half of the 19th century.

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Mike Donnelly on Homeschooling

Mike Donnelly of the Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College recounts the contemporary history of homeschooling, including both its secular and religious origins, and provides listeners with some basic demographic characteristics about homeschoolers. Our discussion then covers various legal challenges that homeschoolers face, culiminating with a discussion of a recent case involving a German homeschooling family seeking asylum in the United States.

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Ahmet Kuru on Islam in Europe

Prof. Ahmet Kuru of San Diego State Univeristy joins Research on Religion to discuss the increasing presence of Islam in Europe and how various European nations are accomodating Muslim immigration. We address the contemporary origins of this immigration and how countries such as Great Britain, Germany and Frane have had different responses to integrating Muslims into their political and cultural arenas. We cover the recent ban in the hijab (Muslim headscarf) in France and also talk about how the US response to Muslim immigrants differs than Europe. Prof. Kuru introduces us to his concepts of assertive and passive secularism.

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