Posts Tagged ‘racial attitudes’
Darin Mather on Evangelicals and Racial Attitudes
Darin Mather, a PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota, discusses changing racial attitudes among younger evangelicals (defined as being born after 1957) and their elders, showing how the former are much more tolerant than the latter. Mather’s research also demonstrates that younger evangelicals are becoming more tolerant of racial diversity and have a greater sense of racial solidarity much like their younger non-evangelical counterparts. However, we note that younger evangelicals differ from their peers on public policy issues such as affirmative action and economic assistance to historically disadvantaged communities. We explore reasons for these similarities and differences.
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Brad R.E. Wright on Christian Stereotypes
Bradley R.E. Wright shares various empirical findings from his new book “Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites… and Other Lies You’ve Been Told.” Tony and Brad discuss a series of stereotypes that many people (including Christians) have about American Protestants revolving around the issues of divorce, charity, honesty, race, and the decline of American Christianity. (To download, right click the “download” button to the right and choose “save target as…”)