Posts Tagged ‘evangelical Protestantism’

Andrew Johnson on Pentecostals in Prison in Brazil

Life in prison can be quite difficult and violent, especially within the Brazilian penal system. Dr. Andrew Johnson at the Center for Religion & Civil Culture discusses his extremely innovative work on the role of Pentecostalism in Brazilian favelas and prison. His research had him actually living among inmates for several weeks in a Rio de Janeiro prison. We talk about the relationship that Pentecostals have with drug gangs with poor neighborhoods in Brazil and the role that religion plays within the cell block.

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James Wellman on Evangelical vs Liberal Christians

Prof. James Wellman (University of Washington) discusses the findings of his recent research on evangelical versus liberal Christians in the Pacific Northwest. We cover the differences in these two distinct religious subcultures in terms of their core values and how this affects their pastoral organization. The podcast concludes with speculation as to why evangelical Christianity is growing in the Pacific Northwest, whereas liberal mainline Protestantism is not.

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Brad R.E. Wright on Christian Stereotypes

Bradley R.E. Wright shares various empirical findings from his new book “Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites… and Other Lies You’ve Been Told.” Tony and Brad discuss a series of stereotypes that many people (including Christians) have about American Protestants revolving around the issues of divorce, charity, honesty, race, and the decline of American Christianity. (To download, right click the “download” button to the right and choose “save target as…”)

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