Posts Tagged ‘prosperity gospel’

Paul Harvey on Religion in the American South

“The South” is commonly referred to as the Bible Belt in the United States today, and despite New England having a more explicit Christian identity during colonial times, the region from Virginia down to Florida and out to Texas has been shaped by religious dynamics from its most early days.  Prof. Paul Harvey, professor of […]

Phillip Sinitiere on the Osteens & Lakewood Church

Joel Osteen has risen to fame and popularity over the past decade and a half, and not without much criticism for his spiritual message and preaching style. Prof. Phillip Sinitiere examines the founding and growth of Lakewood Church, dating back to John Osteen, to put the Osteen phenomenon into a broader context. We examine the history of the Osteens, the institutional development and innovativeness of Lakewood Church, as well as the development of the prosperity gospel and what it all entails. The story that emerges is more nuanced than either supporters or detractors paint.

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Larry Osborne on Church Finances and Growth

Should pastors know what individual congregants tithe? This question set off a debate on Christianity today and we pick it up with Pastor Larry Osborne (North Coast Church in Vista, CA), who admittedly changed his view on this question. He explains why and our conversation also covers other interesting facets of church financing. We also discuss some of the strategies that Pastor Osborne has used to help his church grow from a small Bible Study to a church that serves over 8,000 congregants each week across three campuses.

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Ruth Melkonian on Latin American Protestants

Prof. Ruth Melkonian surveys the history of Protestantism in Latin America and examines whether evangelicals and Pentecostals in the region share the same political views as their U.S. brethren or whether they appear more similar to non-evangelicals in Latin America. She reveals that Latin American Protestants are more similar to their non-Protestant compatriots in the region than they are to their counterparts in the United States. We also discuss the issue of Latino immigration into the US and how evangelical leaders have viewed this phenemonenon.

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Merisa Davis on Bill Cosby, Religion, and African American Churches

Merisa Parson Davis joins Research on Religion to talk about her new book on Bill Cosby’s much publicized “Pound Cake Speech” that he gave to an audience on the 50th anniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education. She points out that much of the discussion of this speech in the popular media overlooked the religious dimensions of Dr. Cosby’s remarks. We discuss how African American churches and other religious organizations have responded (and can respond) to various social problems facing the Black community, including school dropout rates, incarceration of young Black men, and the challenge of entrepreneurship in the inner city. Your host also reveals his three favorite shows growing up.

James Wellman on Evangelical vs Liberal Christians

Prof. James Wellman (University of Washington) discusses the findings of his recent research on evangelical versus liberal Christians in the Pacific Northwest. We cover the differences in these two distinct religious subcultures in terms of their core values and how this affects their pastoral organization. The podcast concludes with speculation as to why evangelical Christianity is growing in the Pacific Northwest, whereas liberal mainline Protestantism is not.

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