Posts Tagged ‘Christianity Today’

Bradley Wright on the Science of Sinning

The Bible reminds us that self-control is an important character trait that helps one avoid a sinful life. With that in mind, Prof. Bradley Wright (University of Connecticut) discusses a new study he conducted with colleagues on the science of self-control. Using the data collected from the three year research project known as SoulPulse, Brad explores how things such as sleep, interpersonal conflict, and other factors affect our ability to resist short-term temptations that run counter to our long-term goals. He also discusses how this study has personally helped him change various small habits to enhance his self-control.

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Larry Osborne on Church Finances and Growth

Should pastors know what individual congregants tithe? This question set off a debate on Christianity today and we pick it up with Pastor Larry Osborne (North Coast Church in Vista, CA), who admittedly changed his view on this question. He explains why and our conversation also covers other interesting facets of church financing. We also discuss some of the strategies that Pastor Osborne has used to help his church grow from a small Bible Study to a church that serves over 8,000 congregants each week across three campuses.

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