Posts Tagged ‘Star Trek’

John Traphagan on Cargo Cults and Active SETI

What, if anything, might happen if we one day discover that we are not alone in the universe? Alternatively, what might happen to extraterrestrial life if they discover we exist? Prof. John Traphagan explores the ethical considerations behind the active search for extraterrestrial life (Active SETI) and uses his knowledge of cargo cults to frame the discussion and challenge some of the assumptions underlying current efforts to reach out to ET.

Stay tuned for an important announcement!

Jim Papandrea on Christology, Superheroes, and Science Fiction Films

Is Superman the representation of the Christ figure in the DC Comics universe? And “who” among science fiction characters most closely represents the orthodox view of Christ? And does anybody really understand what “2001: A Space Oddity” was about? Jim Papandrea, associate professor of Church history at the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and frequent guest, answers these questions and more as we take a journey through superhero and science fiction cinema to survey how religion is portrayed on celluloid. This is a conversation that not only will enlighten you on popular movies, but will help you understand Christology and soteriology all the better!

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