Posts Tagged ‘incarnation’

Anthony Esolen on Timeless Hymns

What makes for a “timeless hymn”? Prof. Anthony Esolen (Thomas More College) discusses his recent book “Real Music: A Guide to the Timeless Hymns of the Church,” and shares with us the importance of singing and poetry for the faithful. We review a number of important themes found within various hymns and reference a few of the greats over the past several centuries.

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Dillard Faries on Religion, Newtonian Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

Near the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century, physics went through a scientific revolution with a shift from the Newtonian paradigm of physics to the weird world of quantum mechanics. This not only affected the way we understand our material (and not-so-material) world, but it had an impact on the philosophical underpinnings of how humans perceive reality, allowing for theology to return to the discourse of science. Dr. Dillard Faries, a professor emeritus of physics at Wheaton College, explains the tensions within Newtonian physics, how quantum mechanics changed our understanding, and his own reflections on topics such as sin, free will, and reality.

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Jim Papandrea on Christology, Superheroes, and Science Fiction Films

Is Superman the representation of the Christ figure in the DC Comics universe? And “who” among science fiction characters most closely represents the orthodox view of Christ? And does anybody really understand what “2001: A Space Oddity” was about? Jim Papandrea, associate professor of Church history at the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and frequent guest, answers these questions and more as we take a journey through superhero and science fiction cinema to survey how religion is portrayed on celluloid. This is a conversation that not only will enlighten you on popular movies, but will help you understand Christology and soteriology all the better!

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Tim Kelleher on The Nicene Creed and Hollywood

Hollywood actor Tim Kelleher joins us to discuss the recent documentary he wrote, directed, and produced entitled “The Creed: What Christians Profess and Why It Ought to Matter.” The conversation goes over the process of making the documentary, what Tim learned about the Nicene Creed in the film’s production, and the reactions to the film. We also cover what it is like to be a person of faith in the entertainment industry.

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