Posts Tagged ‘Roy Moore’
Robert D. Rubin on Judicial Review & the Religious Right
Prior to the 1980s, the incipient Religious Right was skeptical of the US judicial system given a variety of decisions that went against their interests. Dr. Robert Daniel Rubin examines how Southern Christians came to embrace judicial review using two crucial court cases involving education in Mobile, Alabama, and Judge Brevard Hand who decided them. This discussion is both a microcosm of social and political change brewing in the South in the 1980s, but also a reflection of broader trends developing in American society.
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Hunter Baker on Secularism
What role should religion be allowed to play in the public square? Prof. Hunter Baker (Union University) discusses how the concept of “secularism” has crept into our nation’s conscience and is believed to be a philosophy of “neutrality.” Prof. Baker argues that this isn’t the case as secularism is an ideological alternative to religious belief that is privileged over religious expression in the public square. Our wide-ranging conversation takes us through discussions of Judge Roy Moore, religiously-based progressive taxation, religion in Sweden, and the philosophy of John Stuart Mill and John Rawls.
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Mike Donnelly on Homeschooling
Mike Donnelly of the Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College recounts the contemporary history of homeschooling, including both its secular and religious origins, and provides listeners with some basic demographic characteristics about homeschoolers. Our discussion then covers various legal challenges that homeschoolers face, culiminating with a discussion of a recent case involving a German homeschooling family seeking asylum in the United States.
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