Posts Tagged ‘Westminster Confession’

Doug Douma on Gordon Clark and a Christian Hiking Hostel

We’re back! Our guest this week is Rev. Doug “Banzai” Douma, author of a biography of Presbyterian philosopher Gordon H Clark. We discuss who Gordon Clark was, his impact on Presbyterianism, and then spend the second half of the interview talking about Doug’s efforts to create a Christian hostel for hikers on the Appalachian Trail.

This is our first podcast in the new AAC audio format. Enjoy.

Andrew Hoffecker on Charles Hodge and Princeton Theological Seminary

To help celebrate Princeton Theological Seminary’s bicentennial, Prof. Andrew Hoffecker (Reformed Theological Seminary) joins us to talk about the life and times of Charles Hodge , a major figure in Presbyterian thought who helped influence the American evangelicalism. We trace his life from early childhood through his formative experience in Berlin and then discuss how Hodge viewed various controversies that beset the Presbyterian Church and the American nation in the first half of the 19th century.

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