Posts Tagged ‘Great Awakening’

Brandon O’Brien on Isaac Backus and Religious Liberty

One of the unsung heroes of religious liberty in the United States is Isaac Backus. Dr. Brandon O’Brien (Redeemer City to City) explores the life and struggles of this colonial preacher and fighter for religious liberty, showing how Backus was able to thread the needle between government endorsed religion and a secular society.

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James Hudnut-Beumler on the History of Church Financing in the US

While pastors often don’t want to talk about the subject of church funding, it is an established fact that religious groups need finances to survive and thrive. Prof. James Hudnut-Beumler (Vanderbilt University) discusses the importance of thinking about church funding and takes us on a tour of how church financing has changed in the United States over the past two and a half centuries. We cover topics such as pew rentals, competition from benevolence groups, and automatic debiting. Technological and social changes have affected how religious organizations collect revenue and, in turn, has shaped our religious landscape in interesting ways.

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Joseph Castleberry on the New Pilgrims

Dr. Joseph Castleberry, president of Northwest University, discusses how the recent wave of immigrants have been revitalizing religion in America, both spiritually and in terms of civil religion. He connects this revitalization back early “great awakenings” in American history that were spurred by waves of individuals coming to America in search of greater opportunity, and relays stories of how the “new pilgrims” are planting churches and inspiring success.

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Michael McClymond on Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards is often considered one of the greatest theologians in US history. Prof. Michael McClymond reviews the fascinating life and times of Rev. Edwards and shows how his theology evolved over time based upon his surrounding circumstances and personal experiences. A serious intellectual who also relished in the beauty of God’s creation, Jonathan Edwards was at the forefront of a number of theological and religious trends that became hallmarks of American Protestantism.

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Mark David Hall on Roger Sherman, Puritan Patriot

Just in time for July 4th, Mark David Hall discusses one of the least known of the most influential Founding Fathers in American history, Roger Sherman. Building on last week’s theme, Prof. Hall uses Roger Sherman to illustrate how Reformed (Calvinist) theology had a profound influence on American ideals and institutions. Roger Sherman, a staunch Calvinist from Connecticut, figured prominently in the formulation of several critical documents in US history, including the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the US Constitution (including the Bill of Rights). Prof. Hall also reflects upon the question of whether or not America was founded as a Christian nation.

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James Brettell on Trends in American Christianity

Buckle your seatbelts. James Brettell — preacher, radio host and jack-of-all-trades — leads us through a critique of contemporary Christianity in the United States. Critical of what he calls the “traditional church,” Pastor Jim details a problematic stagnation in denominational Christianity and advocates for a more evangelical method of reinvigorating spiritual life in America and around the world. He takes us through his personal history, from being raised in a Presbyterian Church to being born-again while on military duty in the Caribbean to his experience as pastor at a number of churches around the country. Pastor Jim also discusses his latest venture, the Little Rock NetChurch (an internet-based ministry), and how that is bringing folks closer to the Word of God.

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Thomas Kidd on The Great Awakening

Prof. Thomas Kidd (Baylor University) discusses the causes and consequences of The Great Awakening in the middle part of the 18th century. Learn about the great preachers George Whitefield, James Davenport and Gilbert Tennent, and find out what impact this evangelical revival had on the abolitionist movement and the American Revolution. (To download, right click on the button to the right and choose “save target as….”)

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