Posts Tagged ‘agape’

Carrie Miles on Religion, Gender, and Missionaries

What role does religion play in shaping cultural notions of gender, and how might this be related to economics and production in both agricultural and industrial societies? And can missionaries inadvertently carry over theological messages to cultures that unintentionally reinforce gender roles? Dr. Carrie Miles, of Chapman University and Empower International, answers these questions in a fascinating look at the intersection of theology, gender, and economics.

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James Patterson on MLK, Fulton Sheen, & Jerry Falwell

What do Martin Luther King Jr., Fulton Sheen, and Jerry Falwell have in common? Other than being religious figures in the 20th century, most folks might struggle to and an answer to that question. However, this week’s guess — Dr. James Patterson — explains what these charismatic figures have in common and how they are different. We focus on their religious and political foundations and how this played out in their mass media strategies.

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